Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Salute to our Police Officers, Firemen, and EMTs

As I left small group today, I came across a car accident. There were numerous police cars, ambulances, and a firetruck already at the scene, but the smashed cars were still strewn around the road. It was scary to see, but I was comforted by the fact that none of the ambulances seemed like they were in a hurry. People were milling around, so I know there were survivors, and I doubt anything too serious happened based on the people's faces.

Sitting in stopped traffic I had a chance to watch the people in uniform. There were many people dressed in full fireman garb (minus helmets) in the middle of a hot summer afternoon. They were spreading sand or something on the road, sweeping up glass. I never realized how much our police officers, firemen, and EMTs do, and I have never stopped to appreciate that they do so much in hot, heavy clothes.

I was so thankful for these people today, for the risks they take to help others, and for the little things they do that don't get recognized.

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