Thursday, July 28, 2011


I had the chance to listen to some old Francis Chan sermons on Revelation. They can be found by scrolling all the way down on this website. So many Christians are either afraid of the book of Revelation or just plain don't understand it. I am one of those people who doesn't really understand it, but these sermons have given a lot more clarity to it. It is the revelation of Christ (chapter 1 verse 1), and gives a powerful description of God, of heaven, and of God's hatred of sin. It just makes me stand in awe of God and bow down to worship before his throne. This is not some sissy god that we are serving.

Sometimes I get so caught up in my own reality. It does't matter what my circumstance is, I can get caught up in the current goings on, forgetting that there is so much more beyond my little world and my little head. Francis challenges the listener to read 3 chapters of Revelation a day, and in a week you will have finished it. I started doing that, and it has been a powerful thing already. Chapter 1 verse 3 says: Blessed is the one who read the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." Wow. And yet so many Christians stay as far away from this book as possible, despite the promise for blessing. However, this isn't a light promise. We must take to heart that God is mighty, that God hates sin, that God sees what we do and we will answer to him.

As I read that last sentence back, it sounds like a threat. Yes, God is someone to be feared, but this book isn't just preaching hellfire and brimstone. The heavenly beings described in the book are drawn to worship him day and night. Have you ever been in a place that takes your breathe away and your heart must worship? For me it happens when I am in the mountains and see a fantastic view, or when I see the enormity of the ocean sparkling in the sun. I see these and am reminded of the God who created them, that he filled these things with a glimmer of his own beauty. My God is greater than these things, my God is more powerful than the mighty winds and waves.

God created these things to reflect his beauty, created them to worship him, and my spirit can often feel that when I gaze on nature's beauty. Yet I don't want to worship God in ignorance of who he is. That type of worship doesn't last long beyond the last notes of the worship songs, beyond the doors of the church. So often I sing in ignorance of the God I am actually worshipping. But when I read the words of Revelation, I am taught about this incredible God. I encourage you to read Revelation again or for the first time and to listen to the Francis Chan sermons I linked to above. You're missing an important piece of God without this revelation.

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