Today I had the privilege of running my first marathon. It has been a long journey, and it is not something I will write much about in this blog, but it was a really beautiful thing to see so many people valuing life and health and sharing in the passion that I have for running. Many people that I talked to were running their first marathon like me, or their second marathon. I thought it was interesting that so many were on their second, and I saw that it doesn't get any easier once you have done it once. I almost think it gets harder because you know what to expect. I will have to wait a few months to find that out though.
There was a point in the race where the path wound around almost in the shape of a teardrop. I could see the masses of runners behind me and in front of me, and it was really amazing to be a part of that.
This marathon was one of the beautiful experiences I have had that really moved me, choked me up a bit, and caused me to worship God for this unique expression of beauty. If you have never experienced a marathon, I encourage you to go as a spectator or a volunteer. Be loud, and find a place to root people on where support may be lacking. The runners will certainly appreciate your support, and you will get to see what I am talking about.
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