Picture taken from here.
Since my marathon I have been enjoying the newly warm weather, going on walks, digging up weeds in my yard... just enjoying being outside. This morning I spent a lot of time trying to catch up on email, which is one of my least favorite tasks because it can be so overwhelming even though I am responding to people I like. To reward myself, or maybe just to have an excuse to get away from my computer, this afternoon I convinced my mother that we needed to plant her garden. We did a little planning, went to buy some seed packets and some plants and we got to work. I have been trying to extend her garden for awhile, and this year she is letting me, so that means I get to get my hands dirty a lot more and nurture life into these additional plants and then many of them are vegetables, fruits, and herbs, so later we will get to enjoy the yumminess of our investment!
Today's beauties: dirty hands and planting new plants!
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