Thursday, March 31, 2011
Francis Chan
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Picture taken from:
I love my library. It is seriously my favorite place to go, and I try to get there at least once a week if not once a day. Free books of any genre. Free movies. Free CDs. Books on CD? Yup. Magazines? Yup. And if they don't have something I want, they order it or tell me where I can go to get it...still for free.
I have a craving, an ever present hunger for books and movies, for plot twists, intriguing story lines, personal narratives of life's journeys, various art forms, non-fiction knowledge, new music, television series, the list goes on and on.
The money I am able to budget for these things amounts to $0.00. What little income I have right now isn't even doing the best job of covering the basics. Yet at the library, I am a rich woman. I go in, get whatever I want. I can leave with one book or 50. I can leave with one movie or five. I can put in my requests online and the nice people at the library will email me when they come in.
And since we are talking about librarians, I have the best librarians ever. Everyone at the library is so nice, so polite, so helpful.
I support any tax programs for the libraries, because a good library is one of the best resources a community can have. I'm serious. So go to the library. Ask your librarian his or her name. Browse for awhile. Take home some goodies and enjoy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ice baths after long runs. Hot baths after a long day. I am so thankful for the luxury of bathtubs, clean water, and temperature control. We are so blessed.
Monday, March 28, 2011

Picture taken from:
Spring has come to Mooresville, North Carolina, and I was happy to be there to see flowering trees and green grass. It was even warmish one day for us before spring rains hit. I can't wait until we see trees in bloom across the Midwest!
* I did not take this picture, nor do I know if it was taken anywhere near North Carolina.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How He Loves
The song, "How He Loves" has been done by numerous artists, but it was written and originally done by John Mark McMillan. It was written during a rough time in John's life and it is a beautiful conversation with God.
Watch the story behind the song (which also fills you in about the last verse):
Then watch the video and meditate on these beautiful lyrics.
He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.
Oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us so.
Chorus 1:
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Verse 2:
We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…
Chorus 2:
He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves.
Verse 3:
Well, I thought about You the day Steven died,
And You met me between my breaking.
I know that I still love You, God, despite the agony.
...They want to tell me You're cruel,
But if Stephen could sing, he'd say it's not true, cause...
Chorus 3:
Cause He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us.
Whoa! how He loves us.
Whoa! how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Willing Servants
Andrew. A 9th grader who served eagerly all day. He became a leader for three 6th grade boys. He did any job I asked him to do. He helped me set up the merchandise and ran around in our warehouse for hours. Most notable to me was that when he saw something that needed to be done, he did it himself. A real servant. An eager and happy servant, on his feet all day long.
Jerry. A man who came and helped all morning. At a lull in the morning, he took drink orders for Duncan Donuts. Anything you want, just name it. Such a cheerful giver. Went out of his way to bless us. And he wore a hairnet all the way there and back!
Julie. Ready for college, her gifts are evident already. Detail-oriented. A planner. Sees how the little things contribute to the overall success of an event. I could see her strengths before I even knew her name. The best part: she played a major part in getting this event going. She pushed for things to get done. And because of that, she thought it was only right that she be at the event the entire time to serve. Leading by example. Her glamorous jobs of the day: scooping supplies out of a large, dusty bin and taking out the trash. All ... day... long...
Carolyn: A mother of two whose focus has shifted from the business world to the mission world. She focuses on her daughters and on serving the Lord. Another one who was there all day, doing whatever I asked. She eagerly took lunch orders, offering to stop at as many places as we wanted. She was a smiling face making sure that all was well, all was taken care of, all were enjoying themselves. A real pleasure to work with.
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Group on the Train
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A one-sentence summary of why I love running.
I run for a lot of reasons, but Dean really captured one of the most important aspects of running. Running looks like a physical activity, but it is really mostly mental. And as you train your brain to overcome adversity during a run, you are also training your brain to overcome adversity in life in general.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Is THAT who I think it is?
What a great way to start the day.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Life is Beautiful
I have been learning about how much your thoughts define you. I love this incredible example of a beautiful life, a rose among the thorns.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Watching a Movie

I stole this adorable picture from
Today my beautiful thing is having the luxury to get in bed and watch a movie. I hope my cat will join me, but I don't have a cute dog like the one in this picture.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Love affair with fruits and veggies

Picture taken from:
I used to think that in all of weight loss, exercise, and living healthy, diet was the biggest sacrifice. That was my own opinion since food has always been my weakness. Chocolate chip cookies, brownies, Dairy Queen, cheese, anything with lots of butter, etc. I can commit to exercise, do a regimen, stick to my goals. But a healthy diet has always been fleeting. I just couldn't break the habits, and I think that is due to a number of factors.
I didn't have anything to replace the bad foods. Now I am learning about cooking differently, replacement ingredients that can lessen sugar or fat content. But the most life-changing replacement has been my new love affair with veggies. Cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, peas, corn, asparagus, broccoli, green beans... I never knew they were so good. Plain. Not cooked, not fried, not dipped, just plain. Amazing. I never knew. But now that I do, I sometimes replace sweets with veggies. Not always, but sometimes.
And then there are fruits. Apples-skinned. My stomach never agreed with apples until I started skinning them. Though much nutrition may be found in the peel, I think it is better to eat a peel-less apple than no apple at all. Bananas. Grapes. Oranges. Strawberries. Pineapples. Pears. Peaches. Mmmmmmmmmm. Just naming them makes me want to go have a bite. Fresh. Not canned, not in juice, just fresh.
I can't wait until summer when I can go outside and pick some of these fruits and vegetables off of my own plants. I can't wait to go down to the farmer's market in my town, which should open in a few weeks.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Your life is what your thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius
These two quotes were on my Quote of the Day widget this week. I love them because they directly relate to my purpose in writing this blog. I do long for wisdom, and this blog is an exercise in looking for the beauty in each day and trying to recognize things that are special, unique, or beautiful in each day. Thinking about these things will create a heart that meditates on the beauty in life, which leads to wisdom.
Also, I think a lot of life is defined by what our thoughts make it. One person may live in a lonely world while another lives in a very full world. I have experienced both, and I recognize the power my thoughts have in determining my actions, which help determine my community, which helps determine my support system and interactions.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
More thoughts on fear and death
A classmate of mine felt strongly about not going to teach in the Chicago Public School system. Afraid for her life, she wouldn't go. Within two weeks of expressing this fear, she was dead, killed in her own bed by her own heart.
Her fear isn't lost on me. I, too, am fearful. I am fearful of the unknown, fearful of the rough inner city neighborhoods. I don't have street smarts. I don't know if I could bridge the gap between my own experiences and theirs. I don't know if I could be successful in any classroom, much less one so under funded, under supported, so set up for failure by outside influences.
But we never know what will happen. We never know what is around the corner or in store for tomorrow. You can die from poor choices, unforeseen circumstances, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I don't want to live in fear, and I don't want fear to stop me if I have something to offer. It's easy for me to dream about what it could be like, how successful it could be. I could be the next Erin Gruwell, Jaime Escalante, or Geoffrey Canada. It's also easy for me to exaggerate the danger, thinking people are waiting to shoot me at each corner. But the truth is, I haven't experienced Chicago Public Schools, inner city life, or life in the projects. I don't know where I'll end up. It could be inner city, a town, in a corn field, or a mission school in some other country.
My classmate's death has me thinking, though. I don't want to be driven to something or away from something because of fear. Whether naive or not, I want to be driven by passion, purpose, a sense of calling. I don't want me fears to imprison me. Today has reminded me that I truly don't know what is around the corner, but I want to turn the corner with my head held high, confident in life or death.
Life and Death
I also got the news today that a woman I knew had passed away. While I didn't know her well, it was still a sobering thing. It made me think about the time that I do have, and it made me remember that I am not immortal. These days are not forever. I want to cherish them. I am glad to have that reminder, even though it came through an acquaintance's death. I hope that isn't insensitive. I hope to cherish this time with family members even more. Tomorrow all the girls in my family are going on an adventure into the city. And I will cherish every minute.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness: Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day Dreamers
T.E. Lawrence
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
Henry David Thoreau
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Through the Trials
Background: He was his father's favorite son because his mother was his father's favorite wife. Messed up already? Favoritism, polygamy, not a good start for Joseph, though his father meant well, I'm sure. His brothers are angry enough at him to kill him, but then decide to sell him instead so they can get some money from their brother's ruin. So he's a slave, then he's wrongfully accused of trying to seduce a woman who, in reality, had been trying to seduce him. Prison. Years go by. Not just days, but YEARS. Not only is he in prison, but he's forgotten there, assumed dead by his family, assumed guilty by his slaveowners, he would be reasonable to be hopeless. Randomly the king, Pharoah himself, has a confusing dream and Joseph gets to interpret it. All the credit to God for the interpretation, for the physical freedom that comes because Pharoah makes him second-in-command. 9 years go by in this new position.
And all this time, Joseph had no assurance that God's plan would work for good. No idea if those dreams he had as a child of his brothers bowing down to him would ever happen. No idea if he would ever be reunited with his family so that they would even have the chance to bow down to him. He doesn't seem to care about them bowing down to him. He just wants to see them again. And he has NO ASSURANCE that this will ever happen. But he has faith that God is big and able to save and THAT GOD IS GOOD EVEN IF HE DOESN'T SAVE HIM FROM HIS TRIALS.
It is tempting to think that Joseph is some kind of super human. He isn't sinless, but he seems the picture of perfection, right? Yet, he's really just like you and me, a human from a somewhat dysfunctional family living with the effects of childhood feuds and relationships. He's far from home and living in circumstances beyond his control. He has no control over his circumstances, but he recognizes that he does have control over who he places his trust in. And even though by his circumstances it seems like God has failed him time and again, Joseph's faith is in a God who is personal, and who must have been speaking to his heart as Joseph sought him or Joseph long ago would have given up on God. But Joseph stayed open, God kept whispering, and God kept working.
Through the trials, Joseph saw opportunity to serve. He was honored by his slave owner and the prison guard as a man with integrity, and he was rewarded in both circumstances for that. Then again with Pharoah. Through his trials, he kept his eyes on God. What a beautiful opportunity that we all have. We can't see the future, how things are going to work out. We can't see the bigger picture, how things are inter-related and working together for good. But God can, and he can change any evil intent, any evil action for good in the hearts and lives of his people, his creation. God is bigger. Joseph was not. Joseph was like me: just a blind, sinful wanderer.
Helen Rosevere, a white woman, a doctor, in the Congo years ago, in the midst of being beaten, abused, heard God say this to her heart: "Can you thank me for trusting you with this, even if I'd never tell you why?" I pray that I can do that. My history with this is best. But what a great cloud of examples we have all around us, both alive now and from the past, to exemplify blind faith in the midst of uncertainty, beautiful trust in a worthy God in the midst of even the ugliest of circumstances.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
They actually get along
Oops! Older brother cuts younger brothers fingers by swinging something he shouldn't have been swinging around...Younger brother says that yes, it does hurt, as he laughingly asks me for two bandaids. Angry at brother for making a mistake? Nope. Play continues as before, with one more experience to laugh about.
People really affect me. A crabby person can make me crabby at them for being crabby at me. When someone laments about how long this winter is lasting, I start noticing the cold a little bit more. But those people who are loving life...they speak to my heart. They remind me about the purpose of life. They make me enjoy what I am doing, take notice of how I am doing it, and just appreciate life more. I have a friend that consistently offers me this blessing. Every time I am with her, I walk away blessed. I walk away happier, a little friendlier, with a little more love for others.
This whole family was like that. I wish I could be around them more. As I saw the older two boys interact with the younger siblings and cousins, they were so happy to play together. I don't know if I have ever seen the likes of this family. And they were a blessing to me. They make me appreciate the family I have been given a bit more. They make me appreciate the time I have with family and friends a little bit more. I am so thankful for this family I met today.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mad World
Mad World, Billy and Ade, So You Think You Can Dance Tour
A sensitive topic: the interaction between a businessman and a homeless man. What do you do? Do you walk on by? Carry on your business while stepping over a person sleeping in a doorway? I've never felt comfortable just walking on by, but I've also not come up with a good way to help. What I decided overseas was that walking by the beggars on the street was NOT what God would want me to do, not what Jesus would have done. So I gave a coin, maybe some food I had with me. While it wasn't a good long term solution, it was still acknowledging their presence, their need.
Controversial. Reading When Helping Hurts, by Corbett and Fikkert, I know that giving handouts isn't as helpful as we would like to think. It is the easy thing to do. Give a dollar, walk on by. Go on with life and feel good about yourself for helping. There must be a better solution.
And so I continue walking by these homeless people not knowing what to do, yet wanting to acknowledge them, care for them, show them Christ's love. I believe they are worthy of being treated like human beings, and I think many of us find it safer, more comfortable, easier to just walk on by, ignoring the situation, ignoring the person making a request. Some of my friends have said very hurtful things about this type of people, this situation. It's their fault. They could do better if they worked harder. Maybe if they just took a shower... I can't argue that my friends are wrong exactly, in these statements. But I CAN argue that this is not the attitude we are called to have. Looking back to yesterday's blog, I can't help but remember that I am in desperate need of grace myself, so how can I look at others with such a hardened heart?
All this to say, I don't have a solution, I don't know what is the best thing to do, nor the right thing to do, but I love the dance on the video because it brings out the beauty of both people and makes me think about a situation that I face in a different light.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Never Been Unloved (Even though I totally don't deserve the love)
Today hasn't been the best day. I woke up crabby, went through my chores still feeling crabby, begrudgingly did the things I needed to do or irresponsibly put them off for another time. One thing I did do was spend a few minutes reading Romans, which reminded me of 1 John 3:1-2. Read the incredible message in these words.
How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it does not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
There is so much hope in these words. God's love for us is so great that he would actually call us children, despite all of the horrible things I have done and continue to do. Am I even his child on these crabby days when no one wants to be around me and I wish I could just crawl back in bed and start over again tomorrow? Oh yeah, even on those days. Just like my biological parents wouldn't have given me up on my crabby days as a child, God's love is even bigger than theirs.
And oh, what incredible hope to read that what I will be hasn't yet been made known. I am still a work in progress, I am still living a sinful life here on earth. But the message here is very clear: I am not who I will be when God appears. I will be perfect because he is perfect, not because I have finally attained perfection on my own. The song below seems to fit my needs today perfectly.
Michael W. Smith
Never Been Unloved lyrics
I have been unfaithful
I have been unworthy
I have been unrighteous
And I have been unmerciful
I have been unreachable
I have been unteachable
I have been unwilling
And I have been undesirable
And sometimes I have unwise
I've been undone by what I'm unsure of
But because of You
And all that You went through
I know that I have never been unloved
I have been unbroken
I have been unmended
I have been uneasy
And I've been unapproachable
I've been unemotional
I've been unexceptional
I've been undecided
And I have been unqualified
I have been unfair
I've been unfit for blessings from above
But even I can see
The sacrifice You made for me
To show that I have never been unloved
It's because of You
And all that You went through
I know that I have never been unloved
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Audrey Hepburn
Read more:
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Changing from imagining I could succeed to watching myself succeed.
Changing from belittling one success to recognizing that each success is a valuable step.
Taking a pile of successes and forming a new mindset about myself, my goals, my life.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Winter Running Revitalized Me

Photo taken from:
I have always hated winter. I hated being cold. I hated having to wear shoes. I hate that you have to put on 18 things just to go outside. I hated that you can't open your windows. I hated the lack of color. White ground. Gray sky. Black snow. I especially hated being cooped up inside for months at a time.
As a fair-weather runner, I felt like I couldn't force myself to run in the winter. I didn't like slipping on the ice. I thought it was too cold to be outside for extended periods of time. I didn't like it that only half of our sidewalks ever got shoveled, which would mean I was running on iced-over uneven snow, crawling over sheets of ice that had melted and refrozen, dodging cars on the times I retreated to the streets...
This year I decided to train for my first marathon. With a monument birthday coming up, I set the goal of doing my first marathon before that birthday came and went. I had started training for marathons before, only to get too busy or discouraged to continue. This time would be different, I told myself. And oddly, counting back from the date of the next marathon in my area, training start date would be January 1.
I started, and I was uncertain about it yet again. I mean, none of the old winter running problems had gone away, and my schedule hadn't opened up completely. My knees were already hurting before I even started the actual training. Would I be able to do it this time? I had my doubts.
To sum up the last 10 weeks, it has been so good. I began using YakTrax, which are an absolute must for every winter runner. They are like chained rubber bands for your shoes, and they allow me to run on ice without slipping or being afraid. I routed all of my runs on side streets so that I could feel comfortable running on the road and not worry about those unevenly iced sidewalks. My town does have bike paths, but these are not shoveled either, so I stuck to the roads, which allowed me to use googlemaps to know exactly how far I was running, a do-able alternative as I wait for the day I can get one of those amazing GPS Garmin running watches. I use two ear wraps, one over my ears and another around my neck that I can pull up over my cheeks if it gets too cold. And for the absolutely unbearable days, whether the temperatures were below zero or we were having a snowstorm, I retreated to my basement and ran in circles, switching directions every few minutes. (While that wasn't my favorite option, it allowed me to run even without a gym membership and was a great way to test out my new running shoes without taking them into the slush outside.)
It is now March, and I have grown to love winter running. I love that when I warm up, my body still stays cool enough to go for long distances. I love the feeling of the air on my face. On those wonderful days when the sun is out, I love being outside to soak it up. Now my days off are full of restlessness, as I itch to get outside and run again.
I must confess: not every run is good. My long runs are still especially hard, and I wonder if I will be able to do it. But in this winter season, I have learned two things: I can run longer, faster, and farther than I knew I could, and I can actually enjoy winter.
So before the spring blows in, get out there and experience the beauty of winter running. I think you'll like it!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
24 Hours of Worship

Today it occurred to me that on Sundays, God is being continually worshipped as the world makes its rotation. From Australia and Asia through Europe and then the United States, some group somewhere is in worship for a span of 24 hours. Maybe more. When one group ends, another group has already begun. What a beautiful thing to imagine the praises being sung by various cultures and in differing languages, with different instruments, dances, clothing, but essentially one voice, the voice of God's children.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Dreaming With a Broken Heart...
What an incredible gift.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Greater Things

Taken from:
"PIA13064: Star Clusters Young and Old, Near and Far"
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Taken from
13th place: James Nicholson, NOAA NOS NCCOS Coral Culture and Collaborative Research Facility, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Orange Fungia (mushroom coral), live specimen, (166x). Fluorescence
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Abraham Lincoln.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cesar Chavez.
Mother Teresa.
Jane Addams.
I have read quotes, researched struggles, and searched my brain to define what characterizes determination. The struggles are ugly, sometimes bloody. Obstacles are overwhelming, sometimes causing despair and much temptation to abandon a cause. The odds are grave. Yet these people overcame, and my life is better because they were willing to fight for equality, service to the poor, equal rights and citizenship, and more. I end today with a few more heroes in my pocket than I began with.
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
~ Helen Keller
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Batman Bread and Monster-Cannonballs
Just before I left to babysit I made a list of everything floating through my brain that I needed to do today. Chores, upkeep, lots of homework, preparation for the next coming days. None of it is fun, exactly. Or maybe that's my problem. I've lost the joy in just doing the stuff of life.
Not the 3 and 4 year olds I watched today. They examined their toys with fresh and excited eyes. They turned lids into shields. They turned sandwiches into birds and Batman. They danced like little maniacs to the Madagascar soundtrack. Hide and Seek never got old even though the 3 year old hid in the same spot every time.
I don't spend a lot of time with kids right now. I used to, and I will again one day...hopefully soon. What a joy to remember that life can be one discovery after another, that time spent examining things is time well spent, and that monsters can provide hours of entertainment.