Picture taken from: http://www.artsjournal.com/realcleararts/2010/12/listris-libraries.html
I love my library. It is seriously my favorite place to go, and I try to get there at least once a week if not once a day. Free books of any genre. Free movies. Free CDs. Books on CD? Yup. Magazines? Yup. And if they don't have something I want, they order it or tell me where I can go to get it...still for free.
I have a craving, an ever present hunger for books and movies, for plot twists, intriguing story lines, personal narratives of life's journeys, various art forms, non-fiction knowledge, new music, television series, the list goes on and on.
The money I am able to budget for these things amounts to $0.00. What little income I have right now isn't even doing the best job of covering the basics. Yet at the library, I am a rich woman. I go in, get whatever I want. I can leave with one book or 50. I can leave with one movie or five. I can put in my requests online and the nice people at the library will email me when they come in.
And since we are talking about librarians, I have the best librarians ever. Everyone at the library is so nice, so polite, so helpful.
I support any tax programs for the libraries, because a good library is one of the best resources a community can have. I'm serious. So go to the library. Ask your librarian his or her name. Browse for awhile. Take home some goodies and enjoy.
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