Picture taken from: travelmaestro.wordpress.com
Feet. Bicycles. Motorcycles. Cars. Trucks. Semis. Skis. Dogsleds. Helicopters. Planes. Jets. Rockets. Blimps. Hot Air Balloons. Trains. Trams. Buses. Subways. Taxis. Horse-drawn buggies. Boats. Ships. Jet-skis. Submarines. Tanks.
We have found all sorts of ways to get from one place to the next. It is a beautiful thing because we as individuals are more aware and we as nations are more dependent. However, having access to so many regions isn't something we should exploit without wisdom and consideration for others. Let's be mindful of our impact on others and their societies. Are you actions endangering others? Are your comforts enslaving others? From a glance, these things never seem to be the case. But take a deeper look. Stand up for the rights of others as loudly as you stand up for your own.
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